Friday 31 May 2019

BMW i8 Roadster: Butterflies Through Other Eyes #47

Advertisements featuring cars that transform into swarms of butterflies (or vice versa) seem to be a popular thing amongst car manufacturers. We have had those from Ford for its Focus model here and here. I recently came across yet another similar advert this time by manufacturer BMW, with the tagline - Floats Like A Butterfly...

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Silver Linings

 Rabble (Silver)

Two new silver-leafed pieces - commissions from Cambridge Contemporary Art, and the recent show of my work - The Lepidopterist's Lair (here), held at the Rowley Gallery. I had never gotten around to creating a version of Rabble in silver-leaf, and was happy to have been commissioned to do so by a CCA client. Similarly a Rowley Gallery client requested a narrow, rectangular configuration of Whisper to fit a domestic space rather than the usual square format. To commission your own pieces, or for any further enquiries please contact myself direct, or visit the Rowley here, or Cambridge Contemporary Art (here). 


Friday 24 May 2019

København Typografi

Signs, symbols and typography from the streets of Copenhagen.